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University of Waterloo

Waterloo, Ontario

8 votes


Popular Music and Culture

An examination of the styles, forms and development of 20th-century popular music. The social, commercial and technological aspects of popular music are considered.

Added by Anonymous on 2005-01-21 01:20:00

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ChrisAdair - 2010-12-20 20:27:35
Prof has changed over the years, its now Sandy Thorburn. Easy course if you know even a little about music. Without effort got a 96% on the first test... he made the next 2 harder but none the less got over 80% on all of them. No final exam: just 3 25% tests and a 25% concert review. If you're looking for a bird course take this one. Just read the text and listen to the songs and you're fine.
worncolours - 2010-09-12 12:20:51
I wouldn't say this course is -easy-. I would say it is a lot of fun, yes, but a lot of studying about names and dates is important.
twitsface - 2009-10-08 21:47:01
The midterm test are nit picky about dates... Other than that really fun and easy course
DrBirdMan00 - 2009-10-05 09:40:08
It is a very fun course but you do have to do some work...
jeffwabdg - 2008-09-08 22:17:23
Took this with Jesse Stewart and had to remember a lot of stuff dates,names of songs etc...
whurrber - 2006-02-22 16:27:28
this is easy enough, but not so easy that you get to do nothing, which is what i did

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